Wipro's Lab45 launches its own Think Tank
29 Apr 2024

Wipro's innovation lab, Lab45 announced the launch of its own Think Tank to help enterprise leaders and Wipro customers prepare for a future with emerging technologies.

Lab45's Think Tank will study the impact of emerging technologies such as Generative AI, Space Tech, Spatial and Quantum Computing and IoT etc. on business, people, and the planet. Think Tank will work with change leaders - leaders who want to make strategic and bold bets on emerging technologies to transform their organizations - on how to leverage these new technologies to disrupt their markets, create new products, and bring value to the world.

To help speed up the development and implementation of emerging technologies, Think Tank will also work with select early-stage startups to provide them with an 8-week compelling enterprise readiness program. Upon completion, the Think Tank team will carefully curate connections with Wipro's global customer base, accelerating both the startups and as well as Wipro customers' innovation journey